Pålgård & Söner Kran AB

At the end of the 1950s, the need developed in Scandinavia for new loading technologies that would ensure fast and quality unloading of round timber from ships. Special hydraulic machines were required for that and Ingemar Pålgård converted some excavators into the first unique material handling machines and began working with them at different Swedish ports, timber terminals and paper mills. 

In 1972, Pålgård & Söner Kran AB was founded in Sweden and it has by now evolved into an enterprise with long-time traditions and experience in loading, unloading and machinery-building. Today the activities commenced by the father continue and the enterprise is managed by two sons, Michael Pålgård and Jarl Pålgård.

As ship dimensions and cargo capacities grew, the need increased for larger, purpose-built loading machines. Due to the growing demand, Pålgård began making these as well. The hydraulic loading machines produced by the company over the years complied in every way both with the loading technology requirements and established technical standards.

At the present time, with the experience of more than 50 years, the enterprise is able to offer quality, fast and efficient loading and unloading services coupled with the best technical solutions. The proper technical equipment and knowledge resources enable these services to be rendered in the neighbouring countries as well. The company is currently operating at different Swedish ports, paper mills, sawmills and timber warehouses.

Key indicators of Pålgård & Söner Kran AB:
annab tööd üle 100. inimesele;
töötab mitmes erinevas Rootsi sadamas ning mitmetes paberivabrikutes ja puiduterminalides;
omab ja kasutab laadimistöödel üle 20 hüdraulilise materjalikäsitluse masina ja üle 20 rataslaaduri/tõstuki;
omab ja kasutab laadimistöödel üle 10 spetsiaalveduki koos treileriga puidu- ja puiduhakke transportimiseks;
omab mobiilset masinate tehnilise hoolduse- ja remondivõrku;